What You Think Is Valuable

Way too often people will assert that they do not participate in groups and forums as posters, but as “learners,” otherwise lurking or sitting on the sidelines, i.e., reading but not actively contributing. Frequently, they claim that they do not have anything to...
Posting in Groups and Forums

Posting in Groups and Forums

Sometimes we want to post new topics or respond to posts in a group or forum. We may submit our post and it might immediately show up because the group is not moderated or we are pre-approved to post.  However, our postings may be subject to the approval of a...

Is Passivity Dependable?

Many social networkers connect with the concept of keeping in touch or “paying it forward.” They may simply respond to requests to connect, or they may be proactively seeking connections.  These networkers intend to assist their connections as needed in...

What is Your Tolerance Level?

Occasionally things are posted in groups which are either outside of the focus of that group or seem like “spam.”  Certain postings seem to beget similar postings. For example, when someone posts an opening for a position on a group not designed specifically for...